Jeremy and the Beetle Takedown by Sallana Brown, Illustrated by Beatriz Gouveia, is the Middle-Grade Winner in The Book Designer Book Cover Design Awards — Autumn 2023 Edition.
Jeremy and his friends are on a mission—to save the ash trees of a nearby forest from the vicious Emerald Ash Borer Beetles! Join them as they team up to restore balance to our environment and discover how courage, clever thinking, and hard work can lead to success!
Follow this heroic team and learn about the danger of invasive species, the wonders of the natural world, and the importance of teamwork.
What this one gets right:
The kids on this cover look like they’re having an amazingly fun time looking for an invasive species in their neighborhood forest. It’s a cover that any kid who loves nature will relate to and want to become part of, sucking them into the story before they even start reading.
Author: Cameron Chapman
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